Sylvan Township

Zoning Board of Appeals

Zoning Board of Appeals

Meets on the 4th Wednesday of every month unless rescheduled or cancelled due to lack of business.

The Zoning Board of Appeals is made up of 5 members of the community, appointed by the Township Board.  The ZBA is responsible for reviewing and deciding on certain matters related to zoning regulations and land use within the township. They serve as an essential component in ensuring fair and equitable application of zoning laws. The key responsibilities of the ZBA are:

  1. Variances: The ZBA considers requests for variances from zoning regulations. Variances are exceptions to the rules that may be granted if strict adherence would cause undue hardship to the property owner.
  2. Appeals: Property owners who disagree with a zoning decision made by the local government can appeal to the ZBA. The ZBA has the authority to review these appeals and make a decision.
  3. Interpretations: The ZBA clarifies and interprets specific provisions of the zoning ordinance when there are ambiguities or disputes.
  4. Administrative Reviews: The ZBA may also conduct administrative reviews of decisions made by zoning administrators to ensure they comply with zoning regulations and are applied consistently.

Overall, the Zoning Board of Appeals plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of zoning regulations while also providing flexibility where necessary to accommodate unique circumstances or hardships faced by property owners.

The Zoning Board of Appeals meets the fourth Wednesday of every month, unless rescheduled or cancelled due to lack of business. The meetings will be held in person. The public may also view/hear the meeting through Zoom access by computer and smart phone using the following link:

Meeting ID: 890 3727 5890

One tap mobile

+16465588656,89037275890# US (New York)

+13017158592,89037275890# US (Washington DC)


The public may only speak during the public hearing and during public comment by being physically present at the meeting. Such comments will be limited to three minutes per person for each item. Written comments may also be sent to the township offices at 18027 Old US 12, Chelsea, Michigan 48118-9673 prior to the public hearing will also be received by the Zoning Board of Appeals at the meeting before close of the public hearing.


Authorizing Statute

Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Act 110 of 2006, MCL 125.3101, et seq.

(See the 2006 Michigan Zoning Enabling Act information packet for general law or charter townships for more information on the ZEA, which replaced the Township Zoning Act on July 1, 2006.)

Z.B.A Members - 3 Year Terms

Name Term End Contact
Steve Kiss
Jan 2024
Tom Bareis
Jan 2025
Mark Hergenreder
Jan 2023
Ed Blissick
Jan 2026
Angela Menegay
June 2023