Sylvan Township

Planning & Zoning


Scott Pacheco, Zoning Supervisor

Planning & Zoning Questions

For any questions regarding planning and zoning matters, please direct your inquiries to the Planning and Zoning Administrator at The Administrator consistently monitors the email account. If you prefer a direct conversation, kindly email your phone number along with a concise summary of your question. You will then receive a callback, or you may request to schedule a meeting via email. 

If email communication is not suitable for you, and you would rather reach the Administrator by phone, the contact number is 734-475-8890 ext. 113. Additionally, you can arrange a meeting with the Zoning Administrator during office hours, which are from 9 AM to 12 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please use either email or phone to coordinate and set up an appointment. Also, bear in mind that valuable information is available on the Zoning and Planning web pages.

Zoning Permits

Construction projects except for the project listed below require approval of a Zoning Compliance Permit from the Planning and Zoning Administrator. Some examples of projects that require a Permit are new homes, additions, decks, fences, accessory building (pole barns or garages), accessory dwelling units of telecommunication equipment, generators, swimming pools and others.

Projects that do not require a Zoning Permit:

    • Interior remodels that do not expand the building envelope, including, but not limited to, replacement of windows, doors, interior mechanical equipment, electrical, or plumbing;
    • Roofing or siding replacement that does not expand the building envelope;
    • Grading under fifty (50) cubic yards;
    • Satellite dishes (under three (3) feet in diameter) or antenna for residential use.

To streamline the zoning permit process, electronic submissions for zoning permits are encouraged and can be sent for review to the following email address: If electronic submission is not feasible, alternative options include mailing your plans, placing them in the drop-box at the Township Offices, or scheduling a meeting with the Planning and Zoning Administrator to personally deliver your plans to the Township Offices. The zoning permit fee is required at the time of Zoning Compliance Permit submission. Additionally, all plans should be submitted electronically or in a format no larger than 11X17.

Once your permit information is submitted, the Planning and Zoning Administrator will conduct a review to ensure compliance with zoning regulations and verify that all necessary information is included with your zoning permit materials. If any additional information is required, the administrator will contact you via email to request the necessary details. To help you with zoning permits please review the links below:

Once the zoning permit is ready for issuance, the Administrator will review and approve your permit materials. The approved zoning permit, along with the necessary documentation, will be sent to you via email. If required, the approved zoning permit materials will also be directly forwarded to the Chelsea Area Construction Agency (CACA).

Upon receiving zoning permit approvals from Sylvan Township, it is essential to collaborate with CACA to obtain a building permit. For inquiries or assistance, please contact the Chelsea Area Construction Agency by phone at (734) 475-4420 or via email at

Other Projects

Other Agencies

The following agencies review and/or approvals may be necessary to get your Township approvals: 

Washtenaw County Public Health Department: For all New Single Family Homes (NSFH) a well and septic permit (where sewer is not available) is required prior to approval by the Township of a Zoning Permit. All additions required WCHD approval prior to the approval of a Building Permit from the Chelsea Area Construction Agency (CACA). 

Washtenaw County Environmental Health Department

707 North Zeeb Road

Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Sylvan Township: Jeff Leighton
Phone 734-222-3831

Sewer Authority: Prior to building any structure footprint expansion including additions, accessory structures, and decks on a property with sewer approval of the appropriate sewer authority is required.

Sylvan Township Sewer
18027 Old US-12,
Chelsea, MI 48118
Phone 734-475-8890

Washtenaw County Road Commission: Prior to approval by Lyndon Township of a Zoning Permit for an NSFH a driveway permit is required from the WCRC.  

Washtenaw County Road Commission
555 North Zeeb Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone 734-761-1500

Chelsea Area Construction Agency:
Sylvan Township, along with Dexter, Lima, Lyndon and Sharon Townships and the City of Chelsea, participate in the Chelsea Area Construction Agency (CACA). All building permits (construction, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and soil erosion) are issued through this agency, rather than Washtenaw County. 

Building permits are required before starting construction for all structures regardless of use and number of acres owned. This includes such home improvements as plumbing, electrical, mechanical (heating and air conditioning), and all projects that require a Zoning Permit. CACA will also perform required inspections of the work.

Chelsea Area Construction Agency
12172 Jackson Road
Dexter, MI 48130
Phone 734-475-4420